About Us

We believe that God Himself in spirit founded the ministry as the present day ministry of Jesus Christ using DR. MRS. V. E. UWECHUE OBIDINMA and her late husband REV. G. OKONKWO OBIDINMA as human founders.
The ministry came to be as a result of series of messages which the Lord gave in visions to DR. MRS. V. E. UWECHUE OBIDINMA and her late husband REV. G. OKONKWO OBIDINMA.
The name of the organization is Christ the Lord International Ministry.
The Headquarters of the Ministry is City of God based at Ubulu-Unor, Aniocha South L.G.A., Delta State, Nigeria.
The seal shall bear the following wording - Christ the Lord International Ministry.
All who believe in all of the following are free to become members of Christ The Lord International Ministry.
That there is one God.
That there are three persons in one God (i.e. that there is TRINITY made up of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost).
That Jesus is the Son of the Living God and the only way to the father.
All who believe in being born again i.e. that water baptism as well as
Holy Ghost Baptisms are necessary for entry into the kingdom of God. John 3:3 - 5,

Those ready to work with the words and teachings of Jesus Christ such as love
 of God and love of our neighbors as ourselves.
To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in all nations of the world. Mark 16:15-16.
 To train, ordain and license candidates for the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To establish and maintain churches and missions in Nigeria and other nations of the world.
To write, print, publish distribute religious literature.
To establish and maintain bible and religious oriented institutions.
To establish educational institutions to eradicate illiteracy and superstition.
To establish and maintain institution for the sick, the destitute and the needy.
To promote love of ones neighbor irrespective of religious belief.
To acquire, develop and dispose of any property.
To establish television and radio broadcasting services for the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe in one God. Mark Chapt. 12 vs 28 & 29, John 17 vs 3.
We believe in the divine Trinity. Matt. Chap. 28 vs 19, 1st John Chapter
5 vs 7.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
4a. We believe in justification by faith in Jesus Christ. Eph. Chapter 2 vs 4 - 9, Rom. Chapter 3 vs 24 - 28.
4b. We believe in atonement by the blood of Jesus. Matt. Chapter 26 vs 26 - 27, 2 Cor. Chapter 5 vs. 17 -21.
We believe in eternal life. John Chapter 3 vs 16, 1st John 11 - 13.
We believe there is heaven as seat of God and as final place 11-13 for the just and hell fire as final place for the devil and the unjust. Matt.
C apt. 18 vs 8 - 10, Matt. Chapter 25 vs 34 and 41We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues and with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. John Chapter 1 vs 33 - 34, Mark Chapter 1 vs 8.
We believe in baptism of fire for the perfection of the faith of the believers. Matt. Chapter 3 vs 11, James Chapter 12:4.
We believe' in the work of the Holy Spirit today e.g. Divine Healing, miracle, prophecy, vision, speaking in tongues etc. 1st Cor. Chapter 12 vs 1 -11.
We believe in being born Again to be able to enter into the kingdom of God: That is we believe that water baptism and Holy Ghost Baptisms are necessary for entry into the kingdom of God. John Chapter 3 vs 3 -
5, Rom. 8 vs. 9.
lla. We Relieve that Jesus is coming again to take the elect with him at the end of the world. Matt. Chap 24 vs 30-31, 2nd Peter Chapter 3 vs 10
llb. We believe his appearance at his coming will be visible as his departure to heaven was visible. Acts Chap. 1 vs 9 - 11.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead. John 5 vs. 28 - 29, 1st Cor.
. t
15 vs 51 -52.
We b Sieve in monogamy and marriage as binding for life except for Fornication. Matt. 19 vs 9, or if the unbelieving partner abandons the married. 1st Cor. Chapter 7 vs 15.
We believe that this world will have an end after which there will be judge lent, Matt. Chapter 25 vs 40 - 43.
We believe that Jesus Instituted that last supper and we observe it as a memorial of him. 1st Cor. 11 vs 23 - 25, Luke Chapter 22 vs 17 - 20.
We believe in fasting to facilitate the work of God. Matt. Chap. 17 vs 20 21 i Authorized King James).
We believe in divine call to minister for God irrespective of gender, Joel Chapter 2 vs 28, Gal. 3 vs 28, Luke Chapter 2 vs 38, Luke Chapter 10 vs 38.
We believe that the following sins are very grave and defile, the Christian
Idol Worship and eating things offered to idols.
Fornication in male or female.
Eating blood and blood meat.
Acts Chapter 15 vs 18 - 19, 28 - 29.
We do not believe that human beings are responsible for sickness, poverty and other ills through witchcraft activity. Eph. Chapter 6 vs 11 - 12.
We believe that a witch or wizard is someone who is a diviner or sorcerer using familiar spirit to get information from the devil and not someone who changes into animal to afflict the neighbor. 1st Sam. Chapter 28, Micah Chapter 5 vs 12.
We believe that Elijah will return to prepare the people for the end of the world. Malachi Chapter 4 vs 5 - 6.
We believe the Lord heals with water. John Chapter 5 vs 1 - 4, 2nd Kings 5, John Chapter 9.
We believe the Lord also heals with oil. James Chapter 5 vs. 14-15, Mark Chapter 6 vs 13.
We observe 25th of December as a day to remember the birth of our Lord Christ Jesus.
We serve the good Friday as a memorial of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We observe Easter Sunday as a memorial of the Resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. License to minister, Christian workers certificate and ordination may be revoked by the council of ministers and prophets upon substantiation of gross immoral charges, serious departure from faith, or manifest acts of rebellion against the ministry.
Such certificate or license remains the property of the ministry.
There shall be worship service every Wednesday and Thursday. The Wednesday and Thursday services are compulsory for every member to attend. Failure of a member to attend is an offence to the Lord.
There is worship service on Sundays. Bible studies should be held on a day convenient to the local branch. A day should be set aside for evangelism in a local branch. There is water and oil healing service every Wednesday and Thursday. At the Head quarters.
The order of service in a local branch is a$ follows:
Opening Prayer
Alter call for new members
Prayer of forgiveness for all members
General Offering
Worship Songs
General Congregational Prayer
Listening to and writing of prophecy
Reading of Prophecy (i) Announcement
Closing Prayer

On Sunday, the Sunday worship will be preceded by Sunday school lesson.
There shall be revival service once a month at the Headquarters. City of God and it is compulsory for each local branch to send new members along with old members to the revival. Old members should endeavour to attend at least once in every quarter. The elder of the local branch must attend the monthly revival and encourages members to do so.
There shall be a Sunday set aside for the Tithe service every month. BAPTISMS:
Water baptism is administered monthly for new members.
New members will be baptized during their first revival service.
Holy Ghost Baptism is administered once a month also during the revival
service. Every member must pray at least five times a day as follows:-
Morning on waking up
1.30p.m. in the afternoon
Prayer at 6pm
Prayer on going to bed
Prayer at 1,30a.m. in the midnight.
The above prayer could be said privately by each members.
Every local branch will organize morning prayer from 5.30 - 6.30a.m. The prayer may be held in the worship center. Where members’ houses are far from the worship center, the house of one of the brethren could be used for morning prayer by the members living close together.
The elder of the church shall arrange the Morning Prayer location for the convenience of the members.
Attendance register will kept for Morning Prayer and submitted to the elder by group leaders.
The local branch should organize house fellowship which should be held on days of their own convenience.
Any member or group of member may suggest an inclusion or modification of a clause or more in the constitution. Such proposed amendment will pass on to the general executive council whose responsibility is to approve on biblical ground.

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