Tuesday 12 April 2016



  My name is George Ofuebo. I came from Obiaruku, Ukwuani L .G. A. Delta State, Nigeria. I retired from Nigeria Airways in the year 1988. Then there was no job for me, and I sought employment under Hassan industries at Ilukpeju in Lagos State, Nigeria. It was in that company that I became blind. My Family took me to one church at Okokomaiko along Badagry road Lagos State, Nigeria. But there was no solution. Again my family took me to another church in Lagos State Nigeria, where the Pastor told me that my Wife is responsible for my blindness and unless he the Pastor and other church members prayed together for my Wife to die, I cannot regain my sight. I now said to myself, instead of my wife to die I rather die so that my wife can look after my children. My family again took me to Ikeja General Hospital in Lagos State, Nigeria, where my eyes were tested and the doctor reported that my eyes will be operated on, and he asked us to buy all the equipments that are needed for the operation which we did but to our surprise when we brought the things, we were told that the doctor had gone on leave.

I was taken to Synagogue, Church of all Nation of T.B Joshua in Lagos State, Nigeria, where I stayed for sometime but there was no solution. My family took me again to Christ Embassy church in Lagos State Nigeria, where they demanded for application for healing School, I obtained this application for the healing school because without it I cannot partake in the healing school, and I was given the ticket. I attended this healing school for two years but still there was no solution. Then we left there and my family decided to bring me to my home town Obiaruku, Ukwuani L.G.A, Delta State  of Nigeria. We heard that world Health organization (WHO) came to Obiaruku General Hospital Delta State-Nigeria, so my family took me there and from there they referred me to Orerokpe General Hospital Delta State of Nigeria where I was operated on, but there was still no solution, instead it worsened. Everybody became tired and abandoned me, I became helpless, and I decided to go and beg. So each time I go out to beg I would beg children to go and fetch Okada (motorcycle) for me  and I will tell the motorcyclist to take me to Obiaruku market square and drop me by the side of electric pole, although I didn’t know where I was mentioning to the Okada. He drops me very close to an electric pole so I could hold it for safety.

Anytime am going out to beg I would not eat nor drink anything so I wouldn’t be pressed as nobody will help me. I continued this begging until one day two members of Christ the Lord International Ministry City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Uno, Pastor Chukwuemeka Ogwugwa and Mrs. Josephine Osham walked to me and assured me that God will restore my sight in their Church. I now asked them “which church and where is the church located,” they answered, It is Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Uno.” I said again I don’t have money, but they said “Money is not a problem.” They promised to help me. Pastor Chukwuemeka Ogwugwa promises me that he will take me to his church, City of God in Ubulu-Uno on 1st Wednesday of the month. To be sincere, the Pastor had been coming to pick  me, paying for my transport to and fro each month we go to City of God in Ubulu-Uno, and the Church had been feeding me, and taking care of me.

We have been attending the revival programs in this Church, Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Uno Delta State Nigeria, month to month and in a certain month on a Wednesday they took me into a pool of Holy-Water and I dipped my eyes and body into the Water and the Rev Minister ordered all the blind people to come up to the altar. I was led to the altar and the Rev Minister ordered them to lead me to a bath-tub filled with Holy-Water, She asked me to wash my face which I did many times. Now the Rev Minister asked me to look round and tell the Church what I saw. I now lifted up my face and behold I can see the electric bulbs in the Church shinning and color of the carpet black and white on the floor and the other things around me in the church which I could not see before. I became so happy and I began to dance and praise God. Even the whole church congregation joined me.

When I retired from Nigeria Airways Ltd in 1988 my pension was not paid and that is why I started begging because nobody cared for me. So as God has restored my sight, a week later I brought my pension documents from Nigeria Airways to Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Unor and the Rev Minister prayed for me and told me to go. And just after a week that the Rev. prayed for me, I was called by Nigeria Airways for physical identification and through there I was paid part of my pension which I used to build two bedroom flat and six rooms extension where I live in today.

My Brothers and Sisters join me to thank the God of Christ the Lord International Ministry, who has healed me from blindness.


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