Wednesday 13 April 2016

Water Healing In Christ the Lord International Ministry

I was born in a Roman Catholic family and was a Roman Catholic, but became an atheist when I noticed the Prosperity of the wicked which seemed to prove as correct, the Darwin’s Theory of evolution which I studied as a zoologist. I was converted to Christian religion during T.L Osborn’s crusade in Benin City in 1974 when I saw real miracles of healing of the blind and cripple in the name of Jesus. Because of the Good work the miracles I saw did in my life, my husband and I made it a point of duty to fast and pray to support preachers during their crusade with our prayer to God for miracles.
So in 1984 when a preacher from America, Richard Roberts was holding a crusade in Benin City Edo State Nigeria, my husband Obidinma and myself did four days fasting and prayed with the sole purpose of pleading with God for Miracles during the crusade. When we returned on the 2nd night of the crusade we went into long prayer pleading with God to grant convincing miracles the next day so that the unbelievers will know that Jesus is the son of the living God, my husband was praying and I myself was responding. During the prayer I went into a trance and I heard “I will give you a Million Miracle, the name is Christ the Lord Ministry”. That is how the church got her name and we were commanded by God to drop our work in the world to face God’s work in the Ministry. For us to achieve this “Million Miracles” the Lord commanded water healing on Wednesdays and Oil Healing on Thursdays.

   Water Healing In Christ the Lord International Ministry
         The Lord commanded Water Healing in Christ the International Ministry on June Twelve 1985, (12/06/1985)
I got the command in a vision. The Voice said, “bless Water on Wednesday for Miracle healing and Blessings”, as I heard it, I woke up and wrote down the message as usual. I did not like the idea of using Water for miracles, so I prayed (Now awake) saying “Lord why water, the Bible says lay hands for Miracle healing”? I then told the voice that if it is the voice of God speaking, let me have Bible support for water healing. I went back to bed and the voice returned and said, “ Naaman the Leper, 2nd King Chapter 5” I got up again and wrote it down, but I was not satisfied as I said to myself, that Bible  reference is old testament, I need some Bible reference in the New testament, I went back to bed and the voice came back and said “St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 5 Verses 2 to 4, Pool of Bethesda”, before I woke up, the voice continued the message and said “Perhaps you will remember that I healed a man born blind with water in  John Chapter 9”. It is that statement that made me realize that it was the Lord Jesus speaking. And I said, still in my vision, “Lord it is enough I will bless water” Then I woke up.
Later the Lord gave me the prayer for blessing Water. I blessed water the first time in the open Church and a woman with Womb cancer was healed, another man passed out tape worm there in the Church premises, the worm was more than 3 feet long when the proglotids were stretched out and measured. The water blessed on Wednesday has been healing every manner of ill health, the blind, cripple, lunatics, strokes, barrenness, epilepsy, diabetics, cancers, in-fact it has helped to raise the dead. The Miracles you will watch in our web-site have been achieved through the power that God puts in the water that I bless on Wednesdays. The Lord told me, when you bless water, “My spirit will move on the water and give healing power”.

Greatest Power Given By God For Healing
The Lord said to me, “Of all the ways through which I give power to my prophets for healing, I put the greatest healing power in water.

Pool of Bethesda Versus Water of Christ The Lord International Ministry: St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 5 vs 2-4
“Now there is at Jerusalem by the Sheep Market a pool, which is called in Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five Porches. In these lay a great Multitude of impotent folks, of blind, halt, withered waiting for the moving of the water. For an Angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and trouble the water, whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had”.
What happens in Christ the Lord international Ministry is Similar to what used to happen in the Pool of Bethesda.
Notice that incurable cases are brought to the pool for healing. Such as the blind, impotent folk (those too weak to sit down), the halt (Those whose stroke caused the legs to wither). In Christ the Lord international Ministry, incurable cases are cured as well as curable. In the pool of Bethesda, Angel of God puts power in the water by moving in it. In Christ the Lord, the spirit of God moves in the water and puts in power. The power in the pool of Bethesda is seasonal. In Christ the Lord, power enters only on Wednesday. In pool of Bethesda only first person is healed of any ailment. In Christ the Lord everyone who drinks or enters the pool is healed. For instant Anna Nwaobara with 16 years bleeding was the last to enter the pool the day she was healed.
You can take the water of Christ the Lord home and give to friends & relations and it will heal them, but not so with the Pool of Bethesda. So the water in Christ the Lord is more powerful and serves better than the pool of Bethesda. 

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