Monday 11 April 2016



My name is Peter Ehiwario, I am from Abavo in Ika L.G.A of Delta State of Nigeria. But I was in Lagos when I got the problem of Paralysis. I was there in Lagos working as a mechanic before the problem came on me. I took this problem to the Dolu Hospital in Lagos. And after the Doctor carried out a test on me, he discovers that it was typhoid. I was treated for a long time but there was no improvement. I went to other hospitals, churches yet no solution was granted to my problem. I still went to native doctors, instead the problem grow worse. During this period I developed a hunch back and total paralysis of my two legs. My condition became so bad that I no longer sit down but was only lying down. My wife looked after me all through. I ate; urinated and defecated lying down for six years, yet my God given wife took good care of me, cleaning and encouraging me. The native doctors told us that, my home people were responsible for my problem.

        After six years of this suffering, somebody told me about a church called Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Head Quarters Ubulu-Uno –Delta state of Nigeria. I came to Christ the Lord International Ministry with my wife. We heard sermons and I was prayed for. The prayers were said every Wednesdays and every Thursdays, On Wednesdays the Rev. Minister will pray and cast out the ( demons) evil spirits responsible for the paralysis and give us ( all sick people )  Holy- Water to drink. On Thursdays similar prayer was said. (With casting out of demons) and we were anointed with Holy-Oil. We were warned not to accept those statements by native doctors and some churches who said that people were responsible for the problem. It took us some time to believe and that also delayed my healing. At the time I came to the City of God Ubulu-Uno if I was lying on one side I cannot turn except my wife turns me. We were given free accommodation, and Church vehicle carried me from where we stayed to the church in the same premises for service every Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

    One day the Rev. Minister said that God told her to tell the stroke and paralysis patients that immediately after drinking the holy water, they should get up, that the Lord will raise them up. So as I’m used to lying down the pastors helped to put me on a plastic chair and they supported me so that I will not fall, to enable me do what God said that all paralyzed patients should do after drinking the Holy Water.

So that fateful day, after drinking the Holy-Water I placed my hands and my arms on the chair and tried to get up and something like a spring stretched my body and pulled me up to my feet. I stood up for the first time in six years and began to learn how to walk. At first I will lean on my wife and walk, later I walked with two sticks and finally I became strong enough to walk without support. I am now perfectly well, and I have gone back to my work, as a driver and mechanic.

Help me to thank the God of Christ the Lord International Ministry who healed me from paralysis.

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