Wednesday 13 April 2016

Water Healing In Christ the Lord International Ministry

I was born in a Roman Catholic family and was a Roman Catholic, but became an atheist when I noticed the Prosperity of the wicked which seemed to prove as correct, the Darwin’s Theory of evolution which I studied as a zoologist. I was converted to Christian religion during T.L Osborn’s crusade in Benin City in 1974 when I saw real miracles of healing of the blind and cripple in the name of Jesus. Because of the Good work the miracles I saw did in my life, my husband and I made it a point of duty to fast and pray to support preachers during their crusade with our prayer to God for miracles.
So in 1984 when a preacher from America, Richard Roberts was holding a crusade in Benin City Edo State Nigeria, my husband Obidinma and myself did four days fasting and prayed with the sole purpose of pleading with God for Miracles during the crusade. When we returned on the 2nd night of the crusade we went into long prayer pleading with God to grant convincing miracles the next day so that the unbelievers will know that Jesus is the son of the living God, my husband was praying and I myself was responding. During the prayer I went into a trance and I heard “I will give you a Million Miracle, the name is Christ the Lord Ministry”. That is how the church got her name and we were commanded by God to drop our work in the world to face God’s work in the Ministry. For us to achieve this “Million Miracles” the Lord commanded water healing on Wednesdays and Oil Healing on Thursdays.

   Water Healing In Christ the Lord International Ministry
         The Lord commanded Water Healing in Christ the International Ministry on June Twelve 1985, (12/06/1985)
I got the command in a vision. The Voice said, “bless Water on Wednesday for Miracle healing and Blessings”, as I heard it, I woke up and wrote down the message as usual. I did not like the idea of using Water for miracles, so I prayed (Now awake) saying “Lord why water, the Bible says lay hands for Miracle healing”? I then told the voice that if it is the voice of God speaking, let me have Bible support for water healing. I went back to bed and the voice returned and said, “ Naaman the Leper, 2nd King Chapter 5” I got up again and wrote it down, but I was not satisfied as I said to myself, that Bible  reference is old testament, I need some Bible reference in the New testament, I went back to bed and the voice came back and said “St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 5 Verses 2 to 4, Pool of Bethesda”, before I woke up, the voice continued the message and said “Perhaps you will remember that I healed a man born blind with water in  John Chapter 9”. It is that statement that made me realize that it was the Lord Jesus speaking. And I said, still in my vision, “Lord it is enough I will bless water” Then I woke up.
Later the Lord gave me the prayer for blessing Water. I blessed water the first time in the open Church and a woman with Womb cancer was healed, another man passed out tape worm there in the Church premises, the worm was more than 3 feet long when the proglotids were stretched out and measured. The water blessed on Wednesday has been healing every manner of ill health, the blind, cripple, lunatics, strokes, barrenness, epilepsy, diabetics, cancers, in-fact it has helped to raise the dead. The Miracles you will watch in our web-site have been achieved through the power that God puts in the water that I bless on Wednesdays. The Lord told me, when you bless water, “My spirit will move on the water and give healing power”.

Greatest Power Given By God For Healing
The Lord said to me, “Of all the ways through which I give power to my prophets for healing, I put the greatest healing power in water.

Pool of Bethesda Versus Water of Christ The Lord International Ministry: St. John’s Gospel, Chapter 5 vs 2-4
“Now there is at Jerusalem by the Sheep Market a pool, which is called in Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five Porches. In these lay a great Multitude of impotent folks, of blind, halt, withered waiting for the moving of the water. For an Angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and trouble the water, whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had”.
What happens in Christ the Lord international Ministry is Similar to what used to happen in the Pool of Bethesda.
Notice that incurable cases are brought to the pool for healing. Such as the blind, impotent folk (those too weak to sit down), the halt (Those whose stroke caused the legs to wither). In Christ the Lord international Ministry, incurable cases are cured as well as curable. In the pool of Bethesda, Angel of God puts power in the water by moving in it. In Christ the Lord, the spirit of God moves in the water and puts in power. The power in the pool of Bethesda is seasonal. In Christ the Lord, power enters only on Wednesday. In pool of Bethesda only first person is healed of any ailment. In Christ the Lord everyone who drinks or enters the pool is healed. For instant Anna Nwaobara with 16 years bleeding was the last to enter the pool the day she was healed.
You can take the water of Christ the Lord home and give to friends & relations and it will heal them, but not so with the Pool of Bethesda. So the water in Christ the Lord is more powerful and serves better than the pool of Bethesda. 




My name is Aika Christopher, I hailed from Awohimi Esan L.G.A. Edo state of Nigeria. Some years back when I was in Benin-city I suffered much to save the life of my two sons, Hope and faith from sickle-cell Anemia. I visited so many hospitals there in Benin-city such as UBTH, ST’ Philomena hospital, Tara hospital etc for blood transfusion and a solution to the lives of these my two sons, but it was unfortunate that they died after all my efforts. I became tired and confused as I felt like committing suicide but I remembered that, this will lead me to hell, and people may assume that my wickedness had killed me and my sons. After the death of my two sons I got contact with a church called Christ the Lord Int’l. Ministry and I was employed as a guitarist because I play guitar very well. I was employed by the church in the year 1996, Nov 6th . My last born called God’s time became ill within my first week with Christ the Lord Int’I Ministry and my Rev. advised and encouraged my faith that my son could be healed through God’s anointing healing power in this Church. The Rev. Minister said if God healed other people he will heal my son since I am working for him, but the only hope I had was in the hospital, because my Rev. couldn’t stop me, she now supported me with some money to go to Ogwashi-uku General hospital for treatment.

My son God’stime was tested and from the test, it was discovered that he is a stickler, and I cried to my God, why all these sickle-cell on my children. The percentage of the blood in my son was too low and was at the point of death. I ran to my Rev. for more money for blood transfusion to save my son who was at the point of death. The Rev. Minister tried to convince me that the power of God in the ministry will heal the child, but my faith failed me, and she now gave me money for the blood so that I will not think it is because of money that she is saying that God will heal my son and she also gave me a bottle of Holy-Water and showed me the way to pray when using the Holy-Water on my son. As I went  back to the hospital I did not meet the  doctor as he had closed for the day, But I remembered my Rev.’s word about the Holy-Water, I now gave my son the Holy-Water and prayed for him as my Rev. directed me and after about 5 minutes the child slept off. He was calm in such a way that I thought he was dead. I touched his chest to see if he was still breathing and I was happy he was still alive. He woke up after a long rest and came down singing, dancing and praising God. I was amazed and likewise the nurses and everybody in the hospital wondering about what happened to him, they asked me, is this not your son that is having blood shortage?  How come that he has strength to be dancing, and singing? I said I did not know. We all slept well through the night and he was the first person to wake up in the morning and he started singing and dancing again. The doctor was so puzzled when he came in the morning and saw the child singing and walking around the ward, he quickly took the child’s blood back to the laboratory for another test, and the result tested AA instead of SS of the previous day and there was no shortage of blood again.

The doctor ordered us to be discharged as my child had been perfectly healed of sickle-cell Anaemia and shortage of blood. So this was how my son  God’stime was healed of sickle-cell Anaemia and shortage of blood.

My child later finished his primary and secondary school and he is now in Abuja.

The testimony which I gave in Delta Radio Station of my child also brought a man called Asasa Ogheneovo from Urhobo land who was also suffering from sickle-cell Anaemia to the church and he too was healed.        

So I thank the Lord God of Christ the Lord international Ministry for healing my son.  

Tuesday 12 April 2016



SUNDAY (alias Oyibo)


My name is Ugochukwu Sunday,I am from Nkomazi Umuocha in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State of Nigeria. But because of my skin colour people call me Onyibo.

I suffered Diabetes for more than three years. At night I don’t sleep. I urinate often, both day and night, at times I urinate 12-14 time daily, I was treated in many  hospitals, but there was no improvement.

          My urinating was too severe. Until a fateful day that I saw a friend of mine Mr. Godwin Onyekaosor, an Elder of Christ the Lord International Ministry here in Akumazi Umuocha branch who called me and introduced his Church to me as a solution place for my diabetic problem.

I doubted because I don’t believe much about Church and Miracles. But as I have visited many native doctors, hospitals and herbalists without improvement. I had no option than to give it a trial. So I decided to know more about the dates of his Church revival.

On the day of the revival, I prepared and he accompanied me to the headquarters of his Church, Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God HQRS Ubulu-Uno. Delta State of Nigeria.

The service started at 9:00am, I heard the sermon, and was asked to pray for forgiveness if I have had the thought that someone is responsible for my problem, which I did. The Rev. Minister prayed for me, and asked me to pray for forgiveness.

The Rev. Minister cast out the demons of diabetes afflicting me and then gave me Holy Water to drink on that Wednesday.

On Thursday, they anointed me with anointing Oil and to my greatest surprise I did not go out of the Church to urinate throughout the service hour which lasted for about 7 hours. So after the service I experienced total positive change in my body.

The doctor had warned me never in my life to eat garri, rice, sugar and many other foods that contain sugar.

My Brothers and Sisters God has done it all for me. I don’t have any diabetic symptoms anymore. I can eat everything that normal people eat. My Brothers and Sisters God is in this place, He has healed me

That is why I have come to testify to the world that God of Christ the Lord international Ministry, City of God headquarters Ubulu-Unor.  Delta State of Nigeria has made me whole.

Join me to thank God for what He has done for me.

I am now a member of Christ the Lord International Ministry, I worship in my village branch Church at Akumazi.              



My name is Asasa Ogheneovo, I am a native of Okpara Island Delta State of Nigeria. I was born with sickle-cell Anaemia disease and I became a regular patient to Eku Baptist Hospital Eku, Delta State of Nigeria. When hospital was unable to resolve my issue, I took my problem to Spirit and Life Bible Church at Ekenwa in Benin-City, Edo State of Nigeria. Still yet no solution. I took it again to Church of All Nations known as Synagogue of T.B Joshua in Lagos State of Nigeria, no solution.

All signs & symptoms of Sickle Cell Anaemia were still manifesting in me. One day,  where I was working in a chemist store at Igun Delta State of Nigeria. I heard a radio programme from Delta State broadcasting Station called “HOUR LET US PRAY” from Christ the Lord Int’l Ministry, City of God Head Qtrs, Ubulu-Uno Delta State of Nigeria. I heard a testimony of One man called Aika.  In the testimony he said his son called God’stime was healed of Sickle Cell Anaemia in Christ the Lord Int’l Ministry, City of God Head Qtrs Ubulu-Uno, Delta State of Nigeria.

When I heard this I was happy that God has finally  brought a solution to my own problem of Sickle Cell Anaemia.  On 14/2/2001, I took my problem to that City of God Head Qtrs Ubulu-Uno. Delta State of Nigeria. When I got there, the Rev. Minister prayed for me and cast out the spirit of Sickle-Cell Anaemia that was on me, and offered some Holy Water for me to drink. On Thursday the Rev Minister said the same prayer for again and anointed me with Anointing oil.

After 3 days I noticed that the symptoms of Sickle-Cell Anaemia had disappeared, then I went back to the same hospital for test and it was confirmed that SS of Sickle-Cell Anaemia had changed to AA. Till today 2016 no more Sickling.

Help me to thank the Lord our God of Christ the Lord International Ministry for healing me




My name is Anna Nwaobala from Ika, but I live in Ani-Obara near Ashama in Aniocha South Local Government Area of delta State of Nigeria. I Suffered from issue of blood for 16yrs.

The sickness took me to many places such as native doctors, hospitals and spiritual native doctor without any solution. I spent a lot of money for blood transfusion because of the bleeding. One day my son, schooling at Ubulu-Uku went to buy a radio from Hausa Radio seller and when he tuned it, he heard about the testimony of people God healed during their past revival in the church, called Christ the Lord Int’l Ministry, City of God H/QtrsUbulu-Uno. He also heard that they will be having another revival for that month.

Then my son encouraged me to attend the revival, and when I got there the Rev. Minister prayed for me and cast out the evil Spirit responsible for my problem, and Ministered to me and gave me Holy Water to drink in the morning section, and in the evening we were asked to enter the pool of Holy- Water, I was the last person that entered the pool of Holy Water due to the fact that I was bleeding to avoid staining the water with blood

My brothers and Sisters when I entered the pool of Holy-Water, something went away from my body, and when I came out I observed that the bleeding had stopped.

Join me to thank the God of Christ the Lord Int’l Ministry for healing me from 16yrs bleeding.    



  My name is George Ofuebo. I came from Obiaruku, Ukwuani L .G. A. Delta State, Nigeria. I retired from Nigeria Airways in the year 1988. Then there was no job for me, and I sought employment under Hassan industries at Ilukpeju in Lagos State, Nigeria. It was in that company that I became blind. My Family took me to one church at Okokomaiko along Badagry road Lagos State, Nigeria. But there was no solution. Again my family took me to another church in Lagos State Nigeria, where the Pastor told me that my Wife is responsible for my blindness and unless he the Pastor and other church members prayed together for my Wife to die, I cannot regain my sight. I now said to myself, instead of my wife to die I rather die so that my wife can look after my children. My family again took me to Ikeja General Hospital in Lagos State, Nigeria, where my eyes were tested and the doctor reported that my eyes will be operated on, and he asked us to buy all the equipments that are needed for the operation which we did but to our surprise when we brought the things, we were told that the doctor had gone on leave.

I was taken to Synagogue, Church of all Nation of T.B Joshua in Lagos State, Nigeria, where I stayed for sometime but there was no solution. My family took me again to Christ Embassy church in Lagos State Nigeria, where they demanded for application for healing School, I obtained this application for the healing school because without it I cannot partake in the healing school, and I was given the ticket. I attended this healing school for two years but still there was no solution. Then we left there and my family decided to bring me to my home town Obiaruku, Ukwuani L.G.A, Delta State  of Nigeria. We heard that world Health organization (WHO) came to Obiaruku General Hospital Delta State-Nigeria, so my family took me there and from there they referred me to Orerokpe General Hospital Delta State of Nigeria where I was operated on, but there was still no solution, instead it worsened. Everybody became tired and abandoned me, I became helpless, and I decided to go and beg. So each time I go out to beg I would beg children to go and fetch Okada (motorcycle) for me  and I will tell the motorcyclist to take me to Obiaruku market square and drop me by the side of electric pole, although I didn’t know where I was mentioning to the Okada. He drops me very close to an electric pole so I could hold it for safety.

Anytime am going out to beg I would not eat nor drink anything so I wouldn’t be pressed as nobody will help me. I continued this begging until one day two members of Christ the Lord International Ministry City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Uno, Pastor Chukwuemeka Ogwugwa and Mrs. Josephine Osham walked to me and assured me that God will restore my sight in their Church. I now asked them “which church and where is the church located,” they answered, It is Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Uno.” I said again I don’t have money, but they said “Money is not a problem.” They promised to help me. Pastor Chukwuemeka Ogwugwa promises me that he will take me to his church, City of God in Ubulu-Uno on 1st Wednesday of the month. To be sincere, the Pastor had been coming to pick  me, paying for my transport to and fro each month we go to City of God in Ubulu-Uno, and the Church had been feeding me, and taking care of me.

We have been attending the revival programs in this Church, Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Uno Delta State Nigeria, month to month and in a certain month on a Wednesday they took me into a pool of Holy-Water and I dipped my eyes and body into the Water and the Rev Minister ordered all the blind people to come up to the altar. I was led to the altar and the Rev Minister ordered them to lead me to a bath-tub filled with Holy-Water, She asked me to wash my face which I did many times. Now the Rev Minister asked me to look round and tell the Church what I saw. I now lifted up my face and behold I can see the electric bulbs in the Church shinning and color of the carpet black and white on the floor and the other things around me in the church which I could not see before. I became so happy and I began to dance and praise God. Even the whole church congregation joined me.

When I retired from Nigeria Airways Ltd in 1988 my pension was not paid and that is why I started begging because nobody cared for me. So as God has restored my sight, a week later I brought my pension documents from Nigeria Airways to Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-Unor and the Rev Minister prayed for me and told me to go. And just after a week that the Rev. prayed for me, I was called by Nigeria Airways for physical identification and through there I was paid part of my pension which I used to build two bedroom flat and six rooms extension where I live in today.

My Brothers and Sisters join me to thank the God of Christ the Lord International Ministry, who has healed me from blindness.


Monday 11 April 2016




My name is faith Okoh I came from Owa in Edo State of Nigeria. I was having mental problem before they brought me to Christ the Lord int’l Ministry, City of God Headquarters Ubulu-unor Delta state of Nigeria. They took me to many places such as hospitals in Benin-City and many Churches but there was no solution, but when they brought me to City of God H/Qtrs, Ubulu-uno Delta state of Nigeria. I was fighting people without knowing what I was doing, and where I was. They gave me Holy-Water to drink, I drank and they took me to Holy -Water pool, it was in the Holy-Water pool that I regained my senses. So from that day I became normal till today.

This is my second visit to Christ the lord Int’l. Ministry. The purpose of my coming is to tell the Church that the miracle I received on my first visit had remained. I am no more mad. I have gone back to my work. Help me to thank the God of Christ the Lord Int’l. Ministry who had given me this Miracle.




    My name is Nelson Ukpaka, I am a native of Ute-Erumu in Ika North East L.G.A of Delta State of Nigeria. I had an accident in 2004 and that led to paralysis of my limbs and legs. When they took me to hospital the Doctor said that I had spinal cord injury that it will be difficult for me to walk again.

I was brought to Christ the Lord Int’l Ministry City of God headquarters  Ubulu-unor. Delta State of Nigeria, because people told me that incurable cases are cured there. So I came with my Faith. Unfortunately my family abandoned me, my wife left me, so the Church began to care for me. One Dr. Iwegbue Godwin, he is a member of Christ the Lord International Ministry from Emu-Unor, when he saw my condition he began to help me by giving me food stuff and money and he also did the same to other sick people.

Fortunately they were praying for me with Holy Water and Oil. What surprises me most was the day they carried me to a bath full of Holy Water, and as soon as I was put in the water the anointing in the water began to vibrate me, quake me and pulled me up, and I jumped up and began to walk.

To day I am well, I have gone back to my carpentry work.

Join me to thank the God of Christ the Lord international Ministry who has healed me.  



My name is Peter Ehiwario, I am from Abavo in Ika L.G.A of Delta State of Nigeria. But I was in Lagos when I got the problem of Paralysis. I was there in Lagos working as a mechanic before the problem came on me. I took this problem to the Dolu Hospital in Lagos. And after the Doctor carried out a test on me, he discovers that it was typhoid. I was treated for a long time but there was no improvement. I went to other hospitals, churches yet no solution was granted to my problem. I still went to native doctors, instead the problem grow worse. During this period I developed a hunch back and total paralysis of my two legs. My condition became so bad that I no longer sit down but was only lying down. My wife looked after me all through. I ate; urinated and defecated lying down for six years, yet my God given wife took good care of me, cleaning and encouraging me. The native doctors told us that, my home people were responsible for my problem.

        After six years of this suffering, somebody told me about a church called Christ the Lord International Ministry, City of God Head Quarters Ubulu-Uno –Delta state of Nigeria. I came to Christ the Lord International Ministry with my wife. We heard sermons and I was prayed for. The prayers were said every Wednesdays and every Thursdays, On Wednesdays the Rev. Minister will pray and cast out the ( demons) evil spirits responsible for the paralysis and give us ( all sick people )  Holy- Water to drink. On Thursdays similar prayer was said. (With casting out of demons) and we were anointed with Holy-Oil. We were warned not to accept those statements by native doctors and some churches who said that people were responsible for the problem. It took us some time to believe and that also delayed my healing. At the time I came to the City of God Ubulu-Uno if I was lying on one side I cannot turn except my wife turns me. We were given free accommodation, and Church vehicle carried me from where we stayed to the church in the same premises for service every Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

    One day the Rev. Minister said that God told her to tell the stroke and paralysis patients that immediately after drinking the holy water, they should get up, that the Lord will raise them up. So as I’m used to lying down the pastors helped to put me on a plastic chair and they supported me so that I will not fall, to enable me do what God said that all paralyzed patients should do after drinking the Holy Water.

So that fateful day, after drinking the Holy-Water I placed my hands and my arms on the chair and tried to get up and something like a spring stretched my body and pulled me up to my feet. I stood up for the first time in six years and began to learn how to walk. At first I will lean on my wife and walk, later I walked with two sticks and finally I became strong enough to walk without support. I am now perfectly well, and I have gone back to my work, as a driver and mechanic.

Help me to thank the God of Christ the Lord International Ministry who healed me from paralysis.